Friday, October 17, 2014

We've been busy! Oh, so busy!

We have had just a super busy last few weeks!  So busy that I have not had time to upload the blog!  Here are a few snippets of what we have been doing.

Mr. Peterson comes every year in the fall and does a lesson about not jugging things on the way they look on the outside.  What counts is on the inside.  The students got to see buckeyes from our back yard.  They are very ugly and poky on the outside.  Then they got to open them up and SURPRISE!  They are very beautiful and shiny on the outside!  We are reminded to not judge a book by it's cover.

We took a "Listening Walk."  We walked around our school without talking, just walking and listening to the sounds around us.  Then we came back and shared our sounds.  We turned our sounds into a "Listening Walk" poem.  This helped sharpen our observation skills!

 Part of our science curriculum is observing our world and the things that change.  We selected a tree to observe throughout the year.  Each month, we go out and check our tree and observe the changes.  We also record the weather.  They already are observing how the weather and the tree are changing each month.  They are great scientists!

During out unit on nouns, the students got to do a cooperative group project together.  They sorted the nouns by person, place and thing.  They worked hard together and had to learn to share supplies and ideas.  It was a great learning lesson for them.

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