Friday, January 30, 2015

Will groundhog see his shadow?

We spent the week talking about making predictions. We asked the question: will groundhog see his shadow? Then based on what we know about weather and shadows, we wrote out our predictions. On Monday, we will watch the news and see if we will have six more weeks of winter. .

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Using partners to become better writers!

We shared our writing and our partners became our editors! Helping others has really made our writing so much better!

A glimpse of our busy week...

We have been busy this week reading! We know the more we read, the better readers we will become. .
In the computer lab we spent time on RAZ Readers so we can read quality books on just the right level. . Some friends shared their rocket rooms when we got back to class.  If you have not been to your child's room go now and check it out! It will show you how much they have been reading!
During morning message, we get a chance to review things we still need to work on.  This week it is missing addends and adding 3 numbers! 
In science, we have 2 experiments we are working on. Our unit is weather. Can you guess what we are learning from our pictures?
We've had a great week of learning!

Monday, January 26, 2015

McTeacher Night!

March 3rd will be McTeacher night at McDonald's.  Come out and grab a meal and see your favorite teachers at work!  Watch your child backpack for more information.

Penny War

Next week, all the Willard Schools will participate in a friendly competition to see which class can raise the most money for the Willard Charitable Foundation.  Each year, the foundation gives money for scholarships, technology and education grants as well as providing funds for students in need in our community.  The class with the highest total will win a pizza party!

Here are the details:
*We only want pennies in out classroom jar.  Silver and dollar bills count against us!
*Since all silver and dollar bills count against us, we will put those in another classroom's jar to make their amount go down. (Thus the war)

The school that raises the most overall, will have the honor of displaying the "Change a Life" banner in their school until next year.  Right now, it is hanging at Willard East.  Let's bring the banner to WOHE!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We have dreams.....

The last few days we have been learning about a man who changed the views of many. We have read about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and learned about what he peacefully fought for.. peace and equality.  Then we made dreams about how we could make our school and world a better place.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Letters Home

We hope you have been enjoying your letters home ! We have loved writing to you! Remember we write every Tuesday so check for your new letter then.

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Year Resolutions

We worked on setting goals for the new year! Some wanted to spend time with their family and some wanted to learn something new. We had a great time setting goals! Wish us luck!

No School on Monday.  It is Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Mrs. Bryant, the librarian, has asked for me to ask you to look at home for missing library books!  Our class has a lot missing and other students would like to enjoy those!  Please look at home if your child’s book is missingJ

Next week, we will NOT have addition of +9 or spelling.  Because of the short week and the 100th day of school, we decided not to have the students do these.  Plus 9’s are hard for some students so we will practice them, but I will not time them.  We will time them the following week!  Spelling will resume the following week also!
In writing, we are working on writing our opinion.  Students will write about something the like or dislike and tell reasons why.
In math, we will wrap up our unit on word problems, missing addends and adding 3 numbers.  Our next unit will be on measuring.

In Science, we will begin a unit on Weather and in Social Studies we are learning about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and how he changed our country!

Monday, January 19th No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Friday, January 23 100th day of School
Wednesday, January 28th Tiger Pride Assembly

Thursday, February 12th Valentine Day Party