Friday, September 19, 2014

Our week seen through the eyes of Colton and Gracie!

This week I gave a photography assignment to two students.  I had them take pictures of what they thought was really neat about Daily 5.  These are their photos.  I had the rest of the students help me decide what we wanted to say about each photo.  So here it goes ... In their own words

These are some folks who love to play with everything in the room. - Ethan

Some people like to play with the magnets. - David


 He likes being a scientist.  He is looking at the his paper with the magnifying glass. - Devontae

It looks like she is looking at the flowers for the Discovery Table to write about it on her paper.  - Gracie

He is reading from the book with the iPod.  He is using his earphones. - Amber

She like to write stories.  She is using a dictionary so she can spell her words. - Lindsey

She was writing a story on the computer. - Heivein

Good bye. - Masyn
Thank you for looking at these pictures and reading our words. - Ryan
There will be more of these pictures next week. - Colton
You guys are so nice, - D'Angelo
Good bye moms and dads.  I hope you had a good time at picture land. - Ethan
I hope you had a good time. - Shyanne
I love Daily 5. - David
I love to look at the Discovery Table. - Devontae
Come back soon! - Gracie

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Feather's for Lunch

Thursday we read a story called Feathers for Lunch.  It was about a cat that tried and tried to eat a bird for lunch.  After the story, we did a Listening Art Activity.  I hope you enjoy their pictures.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Daily 5

The students have been working very hard getting back into routine for Daily 5.

We are working on Read to Self and building our STAMINA in reading.

We are working on Word Work to help us become better writers! 

We use technology like i Pads and i Pods to Listen to Reading and do Word Work .

And while all of the students are independently working, I am meeting with small groups for reading.  This week we did a reading inventory in our reading notebooks.  We talked about how we feel about reading!

The students have also been learning at Calender Time!  They have become my little "teachers"!  They are so SMART!

Ask your child what they like to do at Daily 5 time.  I am very proud of what they are already accomplishing!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Another Great Week!!

The boys and girls have been working hard this week practicing their Daily 5 and building STAMINA!  They are doing awesome!  They will be working on Read to Self, Word Work, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading and Read to Someone while I am working with reading groups.  We have practiced hard and now we are ready to roll.  Next week, I will begin small reading groups.  Developmental Reading Assessments will begin on September 22.

We are working on Word Problems, counting to 120, writing to 120 and recognizing those numbers out of order in math.  You can help your child by counting with them at home!

Our beginning stories in writing are fabulous!  We are authors!  These stories will stay at school in your child's writing folder and then they will go into their portfolios.  You will have a chance to view them at conference time.

For the month of September we will be doing apple investigations.  We will learn the Scientific Process with an apple experiment.  It is going to be a great month!